Carestream Health


X 光影像系统的全球供应商,为各种工业、医疗和电子应用提供医疗、无损检测和精密合同制造涂层服务。


Carestream 是一家充满活力的全球性公司,其卓越的影像技术和无与伦比的服务一直为业界所公认。

现在,这一历史有望延续,继续创造为我们的客户带来可量化收益和切实益处的影像解决方案。Carestream 一直在这里为您服务。我们将始终如一。让我们一起继续塑造影像技术的未来。


Image Suite MR 10 软件

Image Suite MR 10 软件

Carestream 的 Image Suite MR 10 软件专为帮助 CR 和 DR 成像系统提供最佳性能而打造,在用户操作体验、成像体验效果和生产力效率方面带来了显著进步。



纽约州罗切斯特,2024 年 12 月 16 日

Carestream 在阿尔及利亚达成关键业务合作伙伴协议

Carestream 在阿尔及利亚达成关键业务合作伙伴协议

Carestream Health 最近与阿尔及利亚领先的医疗解决方案经销商 BSF Medical - SARL 达成了协议,该公司销售的产品涵盖心内科、泌尿科、内窥镜、放射科和 [...]

Behind the Decision-Making Process of Purchasing X-Ray Equipment

By Henry Williams, Carestream Area Vice President, Sales Western

Nowadays, with hospital budgetary restrictions at the forefront of the purchasing decision making process, it seems like the X-Ray market, like everything else, is not immune to the current state of the economy. With that said, […]

The post Behind the Decision-Making Process of Purchasing X-Ray Equipment appeared first on Everything Rad.

Carestream AVP, Western Sales, Henry Williams stands with customers he helped purchase X-Ray equipment